Celtic Treasures Monday 27 – Thursday 30 June (times to be advised)

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Date(s) - 27/06/2022 - 30/06/2022
12:00 am


Join us on retreat and explore the treasures which have come down to us through the lives of the Celtic saints, whose faith was shaped on the anvil of an era of major cultural change.  Learn about men and women whose faith had a profound influence on shaping Europe.  Discover the wisdom of their spirituality that can inspire and illumine our lives and the world today.

Roy is one of the founders of the Northumbria Community.  He is a close friend and adviser to Sannox Christian centre, a writer, lecturer, mentor and spiritual director.  He will be joined by Kate Pozzo, a spiritual director, counsellor and associate of Roy’s Northumbrian Collective, who will facilitate some of the programme including the art workshop and beach glass Celtic cross activity.

Details of both Retreats, including costs, are being finalised and will be available soon.  If you are interested in either or both events please put the dates in your diary now.