Prayer Points June 2018

July Prayer News

The July prayer gathering for SCC in Edinburgh will be held on Monday 2 July 2018 at the home of George and Fiona Hazel starting at 8 pm prompt. We will be joined in prayer by those on Arran, across the UK and abroad.

“Today I choose to stand in this place you have called me to,
And I declare that You are a Mighty God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth.
Your Kingdom shall endure and will never be shaken.
Open the windows of Heaven and pour out Your promised blessings in this generation.
Revive us, restore us and heal our land.
Thank you for going before us to open the way and remove all obstacles.
Increase our Faith, stir up Hope and keep us grounded and walking in Love.
Thank you that You are creating a dwelling place for God and man here; in Sannox, on Arran, for the nations.

We continue to say this prayer together so that the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, might be glorified and His light, love, peace, forgiveness and power might sweep through the Isle of Arran, the rest of Scotland, the United Kingdom and the nations of the world.

The Prayer News this month is shorter due to holidays and also because the Trustees/Directors are meeting on the 9 July to talk through the implications and deliver of the actions that were confirmed at the Members’ Meeting and AGM. The next SCC news will give more details about these actions.

Key Prayer Points:

1. Sannox Christian Centre Board Meeting – The next meeting of the Board will be held on Monday 9 July 2018 at the home of our new Chairman, Andy Hall. Please pray for the Trustees/Directors as they meet to discuss the implementation of the recent significant decisions.

2. Continue to pray for the Teaching Programme for 2018. We have now had two successful teaching events – Creating a Jesus Culture, led by David Hill and Creating a Supernatural Culture, led by Dean Norby and Andy Hall. The latter course was our first Encounter Weekend held in Corrie Community Hall. Around 20 people attended each event. The next event is on the 7 July at SCC led by Rick Hayes. This is a day event that is entitled Creating a Prophetic Culture. Worship will be led by George Hazel and Jim Farrell. This course is fully booked. The next Encounter Weekend is on the 5-7 August and is entitled Creating a Freedom Culture. This course aims to focus on the fact that we are in a relationship with Jesus, not with rules! How do we walk in freedom? The weekend will be led by Jonathan Couper and Andy Hall with worship led by Alan McKinley. We would love to have the Corrie Community Hall filled for this course. Please email Heidi at to book the course and get more information.

3. Please continue to pray for more funding for the church and manse and the way forward regarding refurbishment of the church and manse.

4. As we increase our services and staff at SCC please pray for increased monthly giving to meet our operational costs and enable us to continue to welcome those who find it difficult financially to contribute our suggested donation. Once George begins his work as our Executive Director we will need extra funding each month to support his role.

5. Pray for the local communities that they may be blessed in the name of Jesus.

6. Arran Open Studios – This event takes place between the 10th and the 13th August 2018. Please pray for Moira and her team as they plan the SCC involvement in 2018. More details to follow but the programme looks exciting!

7. Hosting at SCC – We continue to welcome our hosts to SCC and witness the blessing hosting is to our guests and visitors and to the hosts themselves. Hosting the presence of God is fundamental to what God is building at SCC and we want to have hosts on site all the time. If you are interested in hosting in 2018 we need to hear from you now! Please contact Heidi at

8. Lastly, please continue to pray for the building of Christ’s community on Arran. Pray for the churches and their Ministers and staff and for all Christ’s people on the island that they may experience a new and powerful blessing of His Spirit.

We bless you, in the name of Jesus, to receive all that the Father has for you and thank you for your continuing support of His work at SCC. May we see more and more people being rested, restored and revived at Sannox in 2018.