Prayer Points and Latest News – June 2019

June Prayer News

Today I choose to stand in this place you have called me to,
And I declare that You are a Mighty God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth.
Your Kingdom shall endure and will never be shaken.
Open the windows of Heaven and pour out Your promised blessings in this generation.
Revive us, restore us and heal our land.
Thank you for going before us to open the way and remove all obstacles.
Increase our Faith, stir up Hope and keep us grounded and walking in Love.
Thank you that You are creating a dwelling place for God and man here; in Sannox, on Arran, for the nations.

We continue to say this prayer together so that the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, might be glorified and His light, love, peace, forgiveness and power might sweep through the Isle of Arran, the rest of Scotland, the United Kingdom and the nations of the world.


Key Prayer Points

1. Prayer Gatherings – In Edinburgh we will gather on Monday 3 June 2019 at the home of George and Fiona Hazel starting at 8 pm prompt. We will be joined by folks on Arran and across the UK and abroad. Please join with us as we join in prayer and thanksgiving for what God is doing at Sannox.

2. Encounter Events – please pray for these events and for people to come:

a. 31 May – 1 June – Rest and Restoration weekend – Our Rest and Restoration weekends are relaxed, flexible events with no formal teaching but offer a chance to meet with our Father God using music, creative arts, massage, or just taking time out – sitting on the beach or walking in the hills.

The outline programme for the event is as follows

Friday 31 May
7.30 Welcome and tea/coffee/cake
8.00 Worship time led by Jim Farrell and George Hazel
9.00 Explanation of what’s available on Saturday and sharing/evening prayers
9.30 End

Saturday 1 June
9.30 Morning prayers and worship time
10.00 Time for rest and restoration:

·         Worship in music going on

·         Creative arts materials available to express worship/what God is saying/what you want to say.

·         Relaxing neck and shoulder/foot massage

·         Prayer ministry

·         Personal time

12.00 Midday prayers
12.30 Lunch
14.00 Time for rest and restoration again!
15.30 Closing worship/prayer time and sharing
16.00 End

b. 5-6 July – Shaped for Significance – a discovery of identity, purpose and anointing.

• One of the most important aspects of our faith journey is knowing our identity, purpose and anointing. Sometimes we don’t see ourselves as God sees us and are not sure of our purpose and anointing for the Kingdom. When the angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon he was hiding in the wine press, afraid and unsure. However, the angel said to him “The Lord is with you mighty man of valour!” (Judges 6 v12). Gideon was known in heaven as a mighty man of valour and God had a purpose and an anointing for him.

• Over the Friday evening and Saturday, Andy Hall will lead us in an exploration of our identity, purpose and anointing – how we are known to God. Please consider joining us for this Encounter weekend and contact Heidi to book and get further details. Email for more information and to book accommodation.

c. 2-5 August – Arran Open Studios – Moira Shirreff is once more organizing SCC as a venue for Arran Open Studios. This year we are doing something different with more of a focus on workshops, maybe even in the church in whatever state it is in! Every year we get over 100 people visiting us and have had many conversations about SCC and what happens here. Moira needs volunteers to be present for the event to meet and greet people and show them around SCC and if you feel able to lead the rhythm of prayer times. You don’t have to be an artist to do this! For more information and to let Moira know you can help email her at It is always a wonderful time.

d. 6-7 September – Song writing workshop led by Jim Farrell, Francis McFaul, Adam Walsh and George Hazel. A weekend of worship through music, releasing new songs from Sannox for the Kingdom.

e. 4-5 October – Walking the Ancient Paths – We are hopeful that we can hold the rescheduled event led by Roy Searle on these dates. This will be confirmed in the near future.


3. Restoration of the church and manse

The refurbishment of the church is continuing at pace with the new roof going on followed by the new windows. As highlighted in our last prayer news we have made an application for funding to Stewardship for funds that will allow us to finish the church restoration. We hope to hear about this within the next few weeks. Please pray that Stewardship and the Directors are guided by God in this and if an offer of funds is made the Directors will make the right decision.


4. Work Party 13 to 20 July

As indicated last month we are putting together a work party for the 13 to 20 July. At present we have about 5 people for the building work and two for the painting work. We could be doing with at least another building worker and two other painters for the church. We want to paint the outside of the church and build the temporary kitchen and toilets to service the church. If you can come for the week or a few days email Heidi at


5. Marketing SCC

As part of the finance plan and the general desire to attract more people to SCC we have been busy updating the web site – . Please go on line, test it and give us feedback at We have also produced a summary leaflet about the centre which will be sent out as a separate email. Can you send this on to your networks to encourage people to:
a. Join as a Friend of Sannox
b. Book a visit to the centre
c. Come to our events
This leaflet was distributed to the 900 Church of Scotland delegates at the Assembly and also at a Pray for Scotland event in Perth. If you know of other events you can print off the leaflet or we can send you leaflets. Again contact Heidi at for more information.

We bless you, in the name of Jesus, to receive all that the Father has for you and thank you for your continuing support of His work at SCC. May we see more and more people being rested, restored and revived at Sannox in 2019.