Sannox Prayer News – June “Well done, good and faithful servant” [Matt 25:21] Last month we wrote about God’s faithfulness, and the faithfulness (and faith!) of all involved in the Sannox project since its beginnings. Having watched on Thursday the excellent Trooping of the Colour, the Mall thronged with thousands of folk and the powerful tribute flypast over Buckingham Palace at the start of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations, I was reminded strongly once again about faith and faithfulness – this time the faith and faithfulness of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 11. Politicians and Prime Ministers come and go, and many have not been the best role models, but despite the challenges she has faced – personal, national and international – our Queen has been, amongst many other things, a role model of faith and faithfulness. So we give thanks for her service to God, to this nation and the Commonwealth, and we pray a blessing over her today – for health and happiness in her remaining years. We also pray a blessing over you, the faithful Friends of Sannox, over every aspect of your lives, as we look forward to sharing together in the next chapters of the Sannox story as Father God releases the resources – people, skills, materials, finances – He knows we need to fulfil the vision and complete the project He has given us. Alistair Barton |
Lord we give You thanks for…
Please pray for….
June prayer gathering Our next Friends of Sannox prayer gathering is at 8.00pm on Monday 6 June. We look forward to praying with as many of you as possible on Monday. The login details, which are the same every month, are; Meeting ID: 847 1105 3697 |
Sannox Saturdays: Informal times of worship, prayer and occasional teaching, on the first Saturday each month, 2pm – 4pm 4 June: Speaker – Ish Lennox. Worship – Jim Farrell. Theme – Thy Kingdom Come 2 July: Speaker – Andy Hall. Worship – Nigel Cameron & Julie Cameron-Hall (N Ireland) – see also below 6 August: Speaker – Andrew Clark. Worship – Jim Farrell. 3 September: Speaker – Rev Maggie Lane. Worship – Jim Farrell 5 November: Speaker – Andrew Clark. Worship – Jim Farrell. |
Roy Searle Retreats a) Celtic Saints: Friday evening 24th – Sunday lunchtime 26th June Cost: £75 For full details & to book online see: https://celticsaints. b) Celtic Treasures Monday evening 27th – Thursday lunchtime 30th June. Join us on retreat and explore the treasures which have come down to us through the lives of the Celtic saints, whose faith was shaped on the anvil of an era of major cultural change. Learn about men and women whose faith had a profound influence on shaping Europe. Discover the wisdom of their spirituality that can inspire and illumine our lives and the world today. There will be creative activities on the Tuesday & Wednesday afternoons. Cost: £100 For full details & to book online see: https://celtictreasures. |
‘Celtish’ concert: 7pm, 2 July On Saturday evening 2 July Nigel and Julie, who perform as Celtish, will give a concert at Sannox starting at 7pm. Why not bring a friend to this special evening? An offering will be taken up to cover costs and provide a gift to Nigel & Julie. |
Song of the Island: 7pm, Saturday 16 July ‘Song of the Island’ is a new musical written by Francis McFaul, a Friend of Sannox and also one of our Advisors. With his group Fresh Manna, Francis will perform this musical for the very first time at Sannox on Saturday 16 July. Doors will open at 7pm. |
The Sannox Prayer “Today I choose to stand in this place you have called me to, We bless you in the name of Jesus, to receive all that the Father has for you, and we thank you for your continuing support of His work at SCC. Be blessed and protected in all you do for the Kingdom, in the mighty and beautiful name of Jesus. |