Our first Sannox Spring and Summer

Midsummer has been a busy time in Sannox with people still dropping into the Church almost daily.  They come from far and wide to see the Church and site.

We continue to have a planned ‘Open’ time between 2 and 4pm every Sunday but are finding people turn up any day and if someone is around they can open up the buildings and let them spend time inside.

We have a good core group of volunteers on theIslandoffering hospitality.  They do this through caring for the place inside and out.  The grass and hedges are cut and the house and church are kept clean, comfortable and welcoming for anyone coming to stay.  We offer tea, coffee and cake to visitors in Dundarroch on Sundays where they can see the plans and share their memories or hopes for the place.

We are also grateful for the volunteers who have come from off theIslandto give freely of their expertise and time to work on the fabric of the buildings. Improvements have already been made to Dundarroch and the manse is slowly being stripped out ready to treat the dry rot!

On Sundays at 4pm a time of prayers of blessing for the community and beyond has begun in the church.  This is an open time of prayer structured around a simple framework which draws upon the ancient Celtic churches practice of being a blessing to all. You are welcome to join us and add specific prayer requests for people or situations that need prayer. 

We have noted people of several nationalities amongst our visitors already.  Swedish, Columbian, Americans and Australians have visited, along with people from all over theUK.  Most importantly our visitors experience the presence and peace of God in this place and stories of healing and being touched by Him are already being told.

We particularly want to encourage people to come and pray on site.  Come yourself or bring your church or fellowship group and find rest and restoration in God’s presence.  We have some basic accommodation for up to 10 people available on site and lots of great B and B accommodation locally. Please phone or write for more information; details on our web site at www.sannox.org

Arise and shine for your light has come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you……………Nations will come to your rising…………

Isaiah 60: 1