October 2021 – Prayer News

Sannox prayer news – October 2021

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”  [Eph 6:12 NIV]

As we know, every Christian is in a battle, a participant in the cosmic battle between good and evil.  The Celtic Christians were very well aware of the ‘spiritual dimension’ of this battle as they took the Gospel throughout this land.  To some extent, we in the west have lost that sharp awareness of this battle and of our need to be constantly alert, because our enemy hates us and will do everything in his power to defeat us, divert us, discourage us, divide us, and more.  The same is true for every church fellowship and every project seeking to extend the Kingdom of God in this nation.

Sannox is not immune to these challenges.  Sadly, Rev Margaret Lane has had to stand down from the Board of Trustees due to a flare up of health conditions which are causing much pain and debilitation and for most of which there is no immediate medical cure.  The issue of this prayer news has been delayed because of illness affecting a key member of the team who prepare it for issue via the website.

But we are not defenceless or powerless!  We have the ‘armour’ described in Ephesians 6, we have the ‘blood of the Lamb’, we have the ‘praises of his people’ (think of Jehoshaphat in 2 Chronicles 20), we have the ‘sword of the Spirit – the Word of Truth’, we have the support and encouragement of the ‘family of God’, we have prayer to the One who hears every prayer – and so much more.  We may not understand why some things happen (or like them!), but we can put our trust in the God who knows the ‘beginning from the end …’ and whose ways and thoughts are so much higher and deeper than ours, as He works out His plans and purposes in us, with us and through us.  So when we face challenges, discouragement, opposition etc. let us keep our eyes fixed firmly on Jesus, the ‘author and perfecter of our faith’ [Heb 12:2].  Let us give thanks, lifting our voices in His praise and let us ‘pray without ceasing’ until each breakthrough is achieved and victory won!

Lord, we give You thanks for…….

• the beauty and amazing variety of Your Creation, especially for the beautiful island of Arran, where you have decided to ‘plant’ Sannox as a special place of Your presence;
• the progress to date in fulfilling the vision for Sannox Christian Centre;
• the growing links with Christians and others around the island and beyond;
• the programme of ‘Sannox Saturdays’ and teaching events now established;
• the second wedding held in the renovated Church;
• the couples who have recently expressed an interest in serving Sannox in various ways;
• the completion of the revised plans for the Manse conversion to provide 6 new bed spaces.

Please pray for…….

• Margaret Lane as she steps aside for a time – for full and complete healing of her body so that she may fulfil God’s plans for her in this season of her life;
• the Directors, who are meeting at Sannox this Friday evening & Saturday morning to pray, seek the Father’s wisdom as they re-assign responsibilities and continue to plan for the future, including the launch of Project 200 in December;
• guests to book in for October – a quiet month for bookings so far;
• the combined session on prayer and ‘Sannox Saturday’ to be held on Saturday afternoon – see below;
• favour on Stuart Carr and the revised plans as these are considered by the South Ayrshire planning officials – that there will be no significant delays in granting approval;
• funding for the Manse renovation, in particular the Board meeting of the Joseph Rank Trust on 14 October at which our request for a grant will be considered;
• additional regular donors to lay a solid foundation in support of the general running costs;
• wisdom for the Directors as they meet with and pray about those who have made recent offers of help – that those who ‘come on board’ would clearly be God’s choice.

October teaching weekend

As a result of recent events and the desire of the Directors to meet in person at Sannox at the earliest opportunity, the planned teaching weekend on prayer has been shortened to an afternoon on Saturday 2 October, 2pm – 5pm.

There will be two sessions with a break between.  The first will include some teaching and practical application – the aim being to involve all present.  The second will be similar to a ‘Sannox Saturday’ time together, including a time of ministry for those who wish this, as we have decided with the darker nights drawing in, to move the evening event to the afternoon for a time.  Both sessions will involve worship and open prayer.

We apologise that this gives folk who may have been thinking of attending short notice, but there will be a warm welcome for all those able to join us in the afternoon on Saturday.  If you intend to be there, please email us at admin@sannox.org to help with the planning.

October prayer gathering

Our next Friends of Sannox prayer gathering is at 8.00pm on Monday 4 October.  Login details are;


Meeting ID: 852 3991 5955
Passcode: 991556

The Sannox Prayer

“Today I choose to stand in this place you have called me to,
And I declare that You are a Mighty God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth.
Your Kingdom shall endure and will never be shaken.
Open the windows of Heaven and pour out Your promised blessings in this generation.
Revive us, restore us and heal our land.
Thank you for going before us to open the way and remove all obstacles.
Increase our Faith, stir up Hope and keep us grounded and walking in Love.
Thank you that You are creating a dwelling place for God and man here – in Sannox, on Arran, for the nations.

We bless you in the name of Jesus, to receive all that the Father has for you, and we thank you for your continuing support of His work at SCC.  Be blessed and protected in all you do for the Kingdom, in the mighty and beautiful name of Jesus.

The Directors of Sannox Christian Centre