Prayer News – November 2021 “God spoke: ‘Let us make human beings in our image, make them reflecting our nature so they can be responsible for the fish in the sea, the birds in the air, the cattle, and yes, Earth itself and every animal that moves on the face of the earth” [Gen 1:26 The Message, emphasis added] COP26, the UN Climate Conference which officially opens on 31 October, will bring around 190 world leaders and their delegations plus thousands of activists, demonstrators, lobbyists, company representatives, and members of many faith groups and organisations involved in climate, justice, development, nature conservancy and many other activities to Glasgow and central Scotland during the first 2 weeks of November for what will be the largest international gathering Scotland has ever hosted. For many in the industrialised, urbanised ‘rich’ nations of the west, there is a ‘disconnect’ between how we live our lives and the impact this has on the world around us. Many of us have lost the connection we once had with ‘the land’. When we look back to our Celtic Christian roots we discover that they, like the Israelites of old, saw no distinction, no separation, between the ‘sacred’ and the ‘secular’ – all of life was ‘one whole’ of which humanity was a part – yet a part with a special responsibility – to steward creation well on behalf of the Creator. Part of the Sannox vision is to provide a place of peace and reflection where that re-connection, that re-establishing of our relationship with the created world around us, can be facilitated and fostered. Whatever happens in Glasgow during November, pray that this will be one of the outcomes experienced by those who spend time at the special place we know as Sannox. |
Lord, we give you thanks for ….
Please pray for ….
November ‘Sannox Saturday’ – 6 November November’s gathering at Sannox will be on Saturday 6 November, from 3pm – 5pm and will be led by George Hazel and Jim Farrell. Content will include worship, thanksgiving for the recent funding, together with teaching and practical application regarding forms of Celtic Christian prayers using material provided by Roy Searle. Please email Heidi at if you plan to attend, to help with preparations. |
Project 200 Launch – 4/5 December The weekend of Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th December will see the launch of Project 200 – the year of celebrating the 200th anniversary of the completion of the original Church at Sannox – together with a ‘thanksgiving’ service to mark the 10 years of the current project. Details of the programme and timings etc. are being finalised and will be circulated in the near future. |
Waiting and Walking with Hope, Faith, Joy and Peace – An online Advent Day Retreat – 11 December During the darkest period of the year, Advent invites us to reflect, prepare and anticipate the Christmas story and discover or be reminded of its power to inspire and influence our lives and the world for good. The retreat day will provide an opportunity to pause and be drawn into the Christmas story and to explore its life transforming themes and its application to our lives, the church and the wider world. The retreat will run from 9.00am – 3.00pm with breaks for tea / coffee and lunch, together with the opportunity to meet and share with other retreatants online. The day will be led by Roy Searle and Kate Pozzo of the Northumbrian Collective. The cost will be £20 and booking will be by Eventbrite. Details will be added to the website and circulated to you all before the November prayer meeting. |
November prayer gathering Our next Friends of Sannox prayer gathering is at 8.00pm on Monday 1 November. Login details are; Meeting ID: 812 8300 2022 |
The Sannox Prayer “Today I choose to stand in this place you have called me to, We bless you in the name of Jesus, to receive all that the Father has for you, and we thank you for your continuing support of His work at SCC. Be blessed and protected in all you do for the Kingdom, in the mighty and beautiful name of Jesus. The Directors of Sannox Christian Centre |