Latest News and further details: 1. Next Phase of Building Works – Continue to pray for our architects Stuart and Allan Carr and our Clerk of Works, Stuart Yates, as they plan the next phase of building. We are waiting on the breakdown of costs from the Quantity Surveyor. Once we have these we will send the tender documents to three contractors on the island. This is now critical as we need the detailed costs for our grant application. Please continue to pray that God will release the remaining £85,000 of the £125,000 we need to complete the next phase of building; ie completion of the church, bell tower and vestibule. The stripping out of the manse and building the temporary kitchen and toilets to service the church adds a further £45,000. These figures are subject to the detailed costings from the Quantity Surveyor. We are still looking for a person to help us with grant applications, so continue to pray for the right person. 2. Maintenance Programme – There are a number of things that need to be done to maintain the quality of SCC. We have a list of tasks and have organized a Maintenance Team to come to SCC during the week of the 26 February to 2 March. So far we have 8 people coming but have room for more! The work includes, painting, joinery work, electrical work and general DIY. If you have any building/DIY skills and want to be involved please contact us at These times are always productive and great fun. Thanks to those who have responded. 3. Events at Sannox: a. Teaching Programme 2018 – You will see a copy of the flyer for the programme at the end of this e-mail. You can download A4 and A5 versions of it using these links:- Please consider coming to one or more of these events and please print the flyer and distribute it to as many people as you can. Some of them are day events and some weekend. This is a new venture for us so please pray that many people come and are blessed by their time at Sannox. If you want to book or need further information email us at b. Hosts’ Day 2018 – Saturday, 24 February 2018. The day will be a celebration of what God has done this past year through our hosting programme, a sharing of experiences and hosts talking to those who are interested in hosting. We will worship, relax and have lunch together and those who have hosted will take people on a tour of the centre explaining what is entailed in being a host. The day will start at 11.15 am to allow people to get the 09.45 am ferry and end around 4 pm to allow people to get the 4.40 pm ferry. The day is for those who have hosted, those who have said they are willing to host but have not yet hosted and those who are interested in becoming hosts. Please pray for the planning of this event. This is an important part of God’s work at Sannox and we want to encourage as many people as possible to support this event. If you intend to come to this event please email Heidi on as soon as you can so we know how many people are attending. Book now! It has been great to see our hosts at Sannox this year and our aim is to be able to have hosts at Sannox all the time during the 2018 season from March to October. We believe that this is an important part of God’s plan for Sannox, building community and hosting the Presence of God so please consider being a host and come to the event! c. Rest and Restoration Weekend – with worship and creative arts. Pray for Moira as she plans this event in 2018. d. Arran Open Studios – This event takes place between the 10th and the 13th August 2018. Please pray for Moira and her team as they pray about SCC involvement in 2018. e. Worship and music events – We are continuing our discussions re music and worship at SCC. We will be supporting the various events and also planning other events – eg a session recording songs from Sannox, a songwriter’s weekend, more Burn 24/7 events, etc. Please pray for us as we seek the Lord’s leading in this area of ministry. Continue to pray for Francis and Jacqui at this time. 4. We would like to increase our Friends of Sannox prayer and support base so if there are people you know who may be interested in joining as a Friend of Sannox, would you ask them and, if appropriate, direct them to the Sannox web site at where they can download a Friends of Sannox form. You can also print a form from the web site and give it to the person. If you need help with this please email John Jackson at This will increase our prayer base, give more people the opportunity to hear about SCC and potentially increase our regular giving to enable us to continue delivering the plans for SCC. 5. Lastly, please continue to pray for the building of Christ’s community on Arran. Pray for the churches and their ministers and for all Christ’s people on the island that they may experience a new and powerful blessing of His Spirit. We bless you, in the name of Jesus, to receive all that the Father has for you and thank you for your continuing support of His work at SCC. May we see more and more people being rested, restored and revived at Sannox in 2018. |