1. Events at Sannox:
a. Teaching Programme 2018 – As mentioned above here are the links to the flyers with details of all the teaching events throughout the year.
Click for – A5 Version A4 version
Please consider coming to one or more of these events, print a flyer and distribute it to as many people as you can. Some of them are day events and some weekend. The first event is taking place on Saturday 5 May when David Hill (Leader of Try Praying) will lead a day on “Creating a Culture that Loves Jesus”. The next event is the first of the Encounter Weekends on 1-3 June led by Dean Norby and Andy Hall entitled “Creating a Supernatural Culture”. These Encounter Weekends are being held in the local village hall in Corrie so we need a good number of people to attend. The full programme is listed below and on the web site at www.sannox.org and enquires and bookings can be made through admin@sannox.org.
b. Easter 2018 – We had a wonderful time at Easter starting with a service on Sannox beach on Easter Sunday and an impressive sunrise. We then had an afternoon service in the church which was well filled with our guests, visitors and local people followed by refreshments in Dundarroch Cottage.
c. Rest and Restoration Weekend – with worship and creative arts. Pray for us as we plan this event in 2018.
d. Arran Open Studios – This event takes place between the 10th and the 13th August 2018. Please pray for Moira and her team as they plan the SCC involvement in 2018.
e. Worship and music events – We are continuing our discussions re music and worship at SCC. We will be supporting the various teaching events and also planning other events – eg a session recording songs from Sannox, a songwriter’s weekend, more Burn 24/7 events, etc. Please pray for us as we seek the Lord’s leading in this area of ministry. Continue to pray for Francis and Jacqui at this time.
2. We would like to increase our Friends of Sannox prayer and support base so if there are people you know who may be interested in joining as a Friend of Sannox, would you ask them and, if appropriate, direct them to the Sannox web site at www.sannox.org where they can download a Friends of Sannox form. You can also print a form from the web site and give it to the person. If you need help with this please email John Jackson at john@sannox.org. This will increase our prayer base, give more people the opportunity to hear about SCC and potentially increase our regular giving to enable us to continue delivering the plans for SCC. John will also be contacting our Friends of Sannox regarding the new GDPR regulations.
3. Hosting at SCC – We continue to welcome our hosts to SCC and witness the blessing hosting is to our guests and visitors and to the hosts themselves. Hosting the presence of God is fundamental to what God is building at SCC and we want to have hosts on site all the time. If you are interested in hosting please contact Heidi at admin@sannox.org.
4. Lastly, please continue to pray for the building of Christ’s community on Arran. Pray for the churches and their Ministers and staff and for all Christ’s people on the island that they may experience a new and powerful blessing of His Spirit.
We bless you, in the name of Jesus, to receive all that the Father has for you and thank you for your continuing support of His work at SCC. May we see more and more people being rested, restored and revived at Sannox in 2018.
Keeping in touch
As mentioned in last months news, we will be issuing an e-mail to which you will have to reply if you want to continue receiving these news and prayer bulletins. So look out for the e-mail – probably best to reply just as soon as you get it!
Teaching Programme summary:-
5th May Creating a Culture that Loves Jesus David Hill
1st – 3rd June Creating a Supernatural Culture Dean Norby and Andy Hall
7th July Creating a Prophetic Culture Rick Hayes
3rd – 5th August Creating a Freedom Culture Jonathan Couper and Andy Hall
1st September Creating a Culture of Rest and Restoration Sannox Community
5th – 7th October Creating a Fear Free Culture Andy Hall
3rd November Creating a Culture of Rhythm and Prayer Roy Searle