January 2022 – Prayer News

“For I know the plans I have for you’, declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  Then you will call upon me and pray to me, and I will listen to you.  You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”   [Jer 29: 11-13]

In last month’s prayer letter we ended by saying:  “As we journey once again through this Advent season towards the celebration of Christ’s birth and all that has meant for humanity since, let us also look forward with excitement to what God wants to do in, with and for Sannox through Project 200, as we journey through 2022 celebrating God’s goodness and faithfulness for over 200 years of Sannox Church and 10 years of Sannox Christian Centre.”

As the Friends of Sannox, we know that God has great plans for this Centre.  However the fulfilment of these plans requires a response from us, from those who have been called to partner with God in the outworking of the vision – whether through prayer, financial or practical support, or a combination of all three.

We are very familiar with Jer 29:11, the first sentence in our Scripture above.  But we often forget to read on – there is a condition to this promise, and that condition involves persevering prayer and ‘seeking God with all our heart’.   So as we embark on the next chapter of the Sannox adventure in 2022, let us redouble our resolve to be a people who persevere in prayer and seeking God with all our heart, believing that as we do so, God will honour His promise to ‘prosper us and give us a hope and a future’!

May God bless you in every area of your life throughout 2022 as you continue to praise Him, worship Him, pray to Him and serve Him in whatever ways He has called you to do, but especially as you continue to serve the Sannox vision.

The Directors of Sannox Christian Centre


Lord, we give you thanks for….

  • the well-attended celebration of 200 years of Sannox church and launch of Project 200 on 4 December;
  • the excellent article and report before and after that weekend in the Arran Banner;
  • the online Advent Retreat on 11 December and the positive feedback that followed;
  • the recent unexpected gift of quality chairs from a church in Airdrie (to be collected and brought over in January);
  • the ‘favour’ that rests on Sannox, the positive links with many aspects of life on Arran, and the growing networking and links with the Christian family further afield.

Please pray for….

  • Project 200 – that 2022 will indeed be a year of celebration as we see God’s hand leading, guiding and providing for us through the year;
  • the Directors as they continue to plan for Project 200 – especially for good contacts with local schools, churches and other organisations on Arran, for general awareness to increase, and for the programme as it develops;
  • the links with descendants of Arran families overseas, that these would be strengthened and be a source of valuable, ongoing support – both financially and in other ways;
  • the team of volunteers who will spend time repairing and redecorating Dundarroch during our ‘maintenance month’ of January;
  • Stuart Carr as he finalises the amended planning applications required, and for favour on the revised Manse plans as these are considered by planning officials – that there will be no significant delays in granting approval;
  • all the finances required for the Manse renovation and additional regular donors to lay a solid foundation in support of the general running costs.

January prayer gathering

Our next Friends of Sannox prayer gathering is at 8.00pm on Monday 3 January.  As we look forward to what God has in store for us individually and as the supporters of the Sannox vision and project in this new year of 2022, we encourage as many of you as possible to join us on Monday.  Login details are;


Meeting ID: 864 7224 7101
Passcode: 893637

The Sannox Prayer

“Today I choose to stand in this place you have called me to,
And I declare that You are a Mighty God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth.
Your Kingdom shall endure and will never be shaken.
Open the windows of Heaven and pour out Your promised blessings in this generation.
Revive us, restore us and heal our land.
Thank you for going before us to open the way and remove all obstacles.
Increase our Faith, stir up Hope and keep us grounded and walking in Love.
Thank you that You are creating a dwelling place for God and man here – in Sannox, on Arran, for the nations.

We bless you in the name of Jesus, to receive all that the Father has for you, and we thank you for your continuing support of His work at SCC.  Be blessed and protected in all you do for the Kingdom, in the mighty and beautiful name of Jesus.