To support the core use of the centre the SCC is developing a range of courses and services for individuals and groups. This programme will follow the rhythm of the seasons – quiet and reflective in winter, preparation for service in spring, missional in summer and celebratory and thanksgiving in autumn. The courses will usually be offered over weekends and will focus on areas such as worship and prayer, worship and the creative arts, counselling, listening and healing and wholeness. The creative arts centre will be used to explore worship and prayer through different media, healing and wholeness will include a range of ministries and worship will explore a variety of forms of music and drama. Other courses will be offered as the need arises; eg courses such as the relevance of the new monasticism to modern day living leading worship in small churches, healing in the church, our Gaelic heritage in worship, etc.
Please have a read through some of the past course and event reviews and visitor reflections.
Upcoming Courses:
Past Course Reviews:
There are no current reviews available.
They will be available soon.